KOREAN concept prewedding BON STUDIO&BRIDAL

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Elegant Woman I'll Like To Be

I dream of being invited to elegant parties, where I get to dress up and meet really good, quality people.
I dream of having a Women's ministry, where I can serve women of God and be an ambassador for my wonderful Lord and Saviour Jesus.
I dream to have my hair done in an elegant hairstyle ALWAYS, in many different ways, up or down but being able to wear my hair elegant all the time.
The elegant woman I'd like to be would have a strong core, resulting in perfect posture all the time, when sleeping, eating, walking, talking.
The elegant woman I'd like to be would have a routine of dance, playing the piano, reading time and learning a language.
She prays all the time. In one or two sentences per prayer, she 'mutters under her breath' to the Lord.
The elegant woman I'd like to be would speak and write the most perfect language and adopt two other languages.

I'll like to be able to be comfortable in various cultures and be well travelled.
I would like a social circle of friends that I'm inspired by, admire and have similar interests.
The elegant woman I'd like to be would be an influence over society and in her own world.
She would have an elegant home, well-dressed and loved.
She would partake of food elegantly and never rush.
The elegant woman I'd like to be delights in memories and makes effort to create them.
The elegant woman I'd like to be would be well read.
Her car would be clean and neat.
She would have a respectable job, changing lives, impacting people.
She is an unconventional mother.
She has a strong set of admirable values.
She would never worry about money, or anything.
She is generous with others but thrifty with herself.
She is a giver.

She has a loving relationship with her husband. She is the elegant wife.
She has well behaved children who love her and respect her.
She has a good relationship with extended family.
She manages her life well, with peace, not with corporate efficiency. She does not appear to be busy. She does not appear stressed.
The elegant woman I'd like to be has a pleasant, lovely countenance. She does not have harsh expressions on her face (I heard it is good for preventing wrinkles too!)
The elegant woman I'd like to be does not voice strong opinions, such as 'hate' or 'I can't stand' or, 'I can't take it anymore!'. She is mild and meek. She knows some opinions should be kept to herself.
The elegant woman I'd like to be is one who enjoys entertaining elegantly. She throws the occasional dinner party and foots the bill!
The elegant woman I'd like to be never interrupts. She makes an effort to listen to the conversation and perceive the real meaning. In negative conversations, she chooses to see the need behind the fault.
The elegant woman I'd like to be is gentle in her speech. She does not have two manners of speaking - one to outsiders and one to her family.

The elegant woman I'd like to be is one who does not have excessive things, but a small collection of beautiful, amazing elegant clothes, shoes, bags and jewelry.
The elegant woman I'd like to be is well dressed, appropriately and elegantly. She wears a more casual elegant style at home, but never daggy ones and wears good pyjamas to bed. She wears elegant dresses in the day and elegant gowns for evening events.
The elegant woman I'd like to be does not seek publicity or press. She remains humble in limelight. While she may rise to public profile, she is careful to not come across pretensious and remain down to earth.
The elegant woman I'd like to be is not interested in fashion, that does not mean she is out of date, she just is faithful to the classics with the occasional trend thrown into the mix.
She takes care of her body by sleeping well and eating well.
She knows her food but does not bother to talk excitedly about which restaurant has the best whatever. She appreciates every opportunity to dine well.

She aims to make people around her comfortable and happy.
She is thoughtful.
She finds routines peaceful.
She does not fuss nor get embarrassed.
She does not talk too much.
She does not tell what is not hers to tell.
She does not asks inappropriate questions.
She is calm and composed all the time.
She delights in beauty. She takes time to create beauty all around her.

She is positive, believes the best in herself and others. She does not give in to guilt, negativity and shuts off having bad thoughts about others.
If someone is rude, she'll just be annoyed for just a second but be quick to dispel it. She understands the importance of focusing on happy things, what makes her happy, thus she always has a spirit of gratitude.
She is epitome of elegance and good taste.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Sweetest 16th

Client :  Irene

Yupp~ untuk kali ini bukan pasangan pengantin yang sedang foto di BON lhoo..

Untuk pertama kali nya juga di BON untuk shooting dengan gadis yang baru menginjak masa" indah nya :)
Irene mempercayakan BON untuk freezing moment yang ga akan dia ulang kembali..
sebagai mana layaknya anak pada umurnya
Irene didampingi ibu nya dalam sesi pemtrotetan hingga selesai

sehinga terlihat tidak kaku dan natural berkat dukungan ibunya yang terus mem-support Irene tetap tampil maksimal dan SENYUM selalu

Photo Session pun terasa lebih cepat dari biasanya karena
semangat ibunda irene yang membuat photograher kita ,Mr.Jay dan assistant lainnya ikut menikmati jalannya waktu
Awalnya Irene masih terlihat kaku dan malu tapi lama kelamaan Irene terbawa suasana kekeluargaan di BON  , seneng dhe :)
ini dia beberapa photo yang sudah diupload

"Bagus..baguss..baguss.. " :)
Selamat ulang tahun ya Irene ^^ God Bless You

BON Photo Studio

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


JUNE, sepasang client yang penuh kejutan
Pasangan : Nindya – Koko
Hai...sedikit sharing nih dari kita mengenai pasangan client kita kali ini J

Still fresh in my mind kalau suatu hari ada seorang client baru telp kami dan bertanya “apa jilbab cocok dengan konsep BON yang serba korea?”wahh.. langsung terbayang di benak kami LOVE scene yang jadi perwakilan dari BON STUDIO pasti cocok and bagus banget.

Akhirnya pembicaraan pun kita lanjutkan, pertemuan pertama kami dengan client ini juga tidak akan kami lupakan. Mr Shon (sang owner sekaligus fotografer) juga terkejut setelah bertemu dengan mereka.

Beliaupun langsung memikirkan pose apa yang bagus dan background mana yang sesuai dengan kepribadian dan karakter ‘khas’ pasangan ini.

Client kami ini adalah Ka Nindya dan mas koko yang cantik dan ganteng.

Pas FITTING , ka Nindya membawa baju lengan panjang dan jibab yang berbeda warna untuk menyelaraskan prewedding gown kita, dan yang ga kalah hebat lagi kakak yang cantik satu ini membawa majalah tentang jilbab style untuk memperkenalkan konsep yang berbeda satu ini ke photographer kita,

Kami baru tahu ternyata jilbab itu lebih cantik daripada rambut biasa. Permainan warna kain dan aksesorisnya lebih luas daripada yang bisa kita lakukan d rambut.
Bahkan sang Korean fotografer sendiri merasa terkejut dan mengakui kebenaran dari fakta baru ini.

Dan taraaa~ inilah hasil nya...
cantiknya ka nindya jg makin terbiaskan
Inilah senyum dan ekspresi yang BON incar!
ini hasil photoshoot Ka Nindya dan Koko

Beratus pasangan yang telah BON temui
Masing – masing punya kesan dan cerita yang berbeda – beda,

Yang pasti BON berharap agar seluruh pasangan yang telah memilih kami akan tetap senyum dan semangat seperti pada saat melewati moment prewedding mereka bersama kami.

Love to see your smile


BON studio

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

a new innovation for Indonesia Photography

How it starts........

this idea came from a Korean professional Wedding  photographer (Mr. Shon) who visited Indonesia's wedding exhibition and photography there.

Deep down inside his heart, he really wanted to introduce Photo-art from his hometown..
unique, cute, expressive and showing the unexplained emotions between groom and bride..

He explored and went around the Capital city of Indonesia to find the best place as his first step to fulfill his will...

with some professional partners finally he succeed to make the Largest Photo Studio in INDONESIA, which called as BON STUDIO..

He keeps improving his photography skill while the others try their best on preparing BON STUDIO/PHOTOGRAPHY on purpose making the most popular photo studio on Indonesia...

Keep following our updates in other media such as:
our facebook pages: BON Photo Studio
our twitter: @koreanphoto
and other accounts: Youtube.com, bonphotography.blogspot.com, etc

~Photo is more than just a picture, it reflects memories~